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Our Mission

Prevent loss of businesses in Hebron due to inadequate or non-affordable buildings.

Who Are We?

A partnership, Brick City Promoters LLC, has been created to address the vacant buildings in town and to assist current and potential businesses by providing stable, modern and affordable space for them to rent.


We are not the business owner or operator.


Assistance with funding for this venture is needed. You will be investing in Brick City Promoters LLC and will own 1 unit for every $1,000 invested. Investments must be in $1,000 increments.


Brick City Promoters LLC Investment Goal is $200K

Investments in $1,000 increments or any monetary donations should be made out to: Brick City Promoters LLC.


Mail or drop off your check to:

Attn: Kevin Staiger

Hebron Dakota Community Bank and Trust

PO Box 191

Hebron, ND 58638

For additional information:

Mark Draeb

P.O. Box 1

Hebron, ND 58638

Cell: 303-550-4994

Following are some examples of how to determine your ownership in Brick City Promoters LLC:

  • If $200,000 funding is raised, a $1,000 investment would own 0.5% (1,000/200,000) of the company, a $5,000 investment would own 2.5% (5,000/200,000) of the company

  • If $250,000 funding is raised, a $1,000 investment would own 0.4% (1,000/250,000) of the company, a $5,000 investment would own 2% (5,000/250,000) of the company


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